Friday, 20 June 2014

From the Window Seat of a 777.

It's not often I take a shot from the seat of a jet airliner and think it worthy of sharing. On this occasion however, the light was hitting the Manhattan Island skyline very nicely and despite the usual distortion and grime that comes with an aircraft window, I still managed to get this image. For the technically minded, I was using my Canon G1x. Manual focus on infinity. Aperture priority @ f16.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

One Big Silver Lining.

Our new apartment is starting to feel like home and one extra nice feature is the beautiful view we have from the living room, patio and the two bedrooms. We overlook Portishead and one of these days, I think it could yield a great image. Here is a test shot...

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

April...A Challenging Month

April was a difficult month. I lost my beautiful mum. She was 92 years old. Thankfully she passed peacefully. painlessly, and with dignity. My mum had a wonderful spirit. She loved to laugh and had a great sense of humour. She was an adorable lady and a very special mum. She will be missed.

At the same time that this happened I came down with a bad case of chicken pox and we had to move home as well. All is the same week!

Below is a studio portrait of my mum that I took in San Diego 25 years ago. Can't you just see the warmth of her character?