Monday, 1 April 2013

This is a Test

Just a quick line and a couple of photo's to see if TwitterFeed is posting to my blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts simultaneously. Fingers crossed!


Chopper Shots

The deafening noise was a dead giveaway as the helicopter hovered outside our balcony looking for a place to land. The pilot considered the local schoolyard but the school gates were closed so he chose the grassy area by the leisure centre just across the road.

It was a response to a patient in critical condition and I was told that due to the confined nature of the chopper's interior, the patient would be taken to hospital via road so he/she could be tended to while in transit. This helicopter is 20 years old and although it has room for a patient, it doesn't have enough space for that patient to be administered to by a doctor while en route to hospital.

The amazing thing is that this air ambulance service is made possible through charitable donations. They are excited about the possibility of getting a more modern aircraft with more space. It all depends on the funds available to them through the charity. I hope the patient was able to make a successful recovery.